
More than Half of U.S. Transit Buses Used Advanced Technology or Alternative Fuels in 2020

More Than Half Of U S Transit Buses Used Advanced Technology Or Alternative Fuels In 2020

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In 2020, more than half (56%) of all transit buses were either hybrid electric or powered by an alternative fuel such as natural gas, propane, hydrogen, biodiesel, or electricity. In 1996, the vast majority (95.4%) of transit buses were powered by conventional petroleum diesel. By 2020, conventional diesel transit buses represented only 42.7% of the total fleet. Natural gas, including compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG), fueled 30.2% of transit buses in 2020 while 18.8% were hybrid electric, 5.6% ran on biodiesel, and 1.4% were powered by hydrogen.

Transit Buses by Fuel Type, 1996-2020

Source: American Public Transportation Association, 2022 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A, Table 35.

See more Transportation Facts of the Week.

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